Man On A Mission: Entrepreneur Ray Pang

Ray Pang is set to help others lift their careers to the highest level, regardless of their academic education and degrees.

Ray Pang Si Heng is a young man on a mission. The mission? To help more than 10,000 people in their early 20s reach their career goals – even if they haven’t experienced great academic success. Ray grew up in Singapore with his parents and sister, where he was brought up with a strong emphasis on the importance of academics. Ray was one of the top 3 students in his class as a small child, but he was also trouble maker – causing concern from his parents. 

As he grew up, his move away from an academic focus began to increase even further when he realised he was more interested in socialising, playing sports and meeting new people, but between the ages of 11 and 12, he began purchasing rare trading cards from stores and reselling them for a profit to his classmates. He was showing early signs of entrepreneurship, but his parents deemed it a bad habit and became even stricter with him.

As his teenage years continued, Ray entered one of the most prestigious schools in Singapore. Ray’s parents wanted him to get good grades, and so he was placed with students who had very high work ethics and IQs to match. Ray’s interests continued to lay in the football and social side of things – both areas where he found comfort and confidence. When he entered college, an interesting thing began to transpire – he showed traits of being a good leader, helping him to realise his potential in building a good football team and the management of a team in general.

Due to his low grades, Ray was unable to enrol in a good university. He deemed this the first time he had an absolute failure in life – made worse by the fact that he couldn’t make his parents proud, but, perhaps, this was the wake-up call he needed. He decided to take things more seriously, going to Australia to study and doing what he could to make his parents proud. This time, those goals were accomplished; he got an internship at a FinTech start-up where he was able to try out roles including operations, finance, partnerships, executive meetings and several others.

It was through these experiences that he realised he belonged in the field of business. The idea of working a traditional 9 to 5 was out of the window, and, instead, he built a career using online training and business coaches as an aid. He also realised he couldn’t rely on just one source of income, and so he learned to copyright, build agencies, take on digital marketing and exercise other money-making ventures.

Master Your Own Lessons

Fast forward to today, and Ray is a co-founder of the Addicted2Success Academy. His company offers business development, joint ventures, event management, branding and social media marketing. He and his team are also developing new businesses under the name Addicted2Fitness. Through Addicted2Success, he can fulfil his mission of helping thousands of other young people, like himself, who may not have had the best start academically, realise their business potential.