Most Entrepreneurs on their journey will usually focus on their specific skillset and industry to hone in until perfected. That’s why Entrepreneur Stepan Talabira stands out above most. In fact, one of the most impressive things about Stepan is his huge success in multiple fields!
It’s not only this though. Behind the success is a truly inspiring story of a passionate man with the determination to act on it.
The Early Days
Stepan showed early signs of success in his youth developing an avid interest in programming. Little did he know, this would form the foundation for his first business venture (but more on that later). His passion and work ethic was consistent all the way through his attendance at the University of Uzhgorod. He would regularly find himself noting full lines of working code on the bus to school! Before the days of easily accessible tablets, Stepan would hand write code on paper and in his old phone!
He soon graduated from scraps of paper and found his way to a computer through his education. Once there, he was able to build on his already expansive knowledge, extending into Website and Game development.
By 2008 he was a qualified specialist in Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics and by 2010, he was qualified in Business Economics too! Both have been extremely instrumental in his accomplishments as he ventured into different sectors.
Showing this level of drive and potential at such a young age is no surprise when you look at him as a person and what he has accomplished today.
The Entrepreneurial Journey So Far…
Stepan started his first business in 2006. The extremely successful website development company allowed him to utilize his advanced coding skills and take them to market!
Much like Stepan, the company continued to evolve and move with the times. His foresight would lead them to completely change direction in 2009 and venture into Game Development.
The game development company focused on Mobile Applications and to no surprise, was met with fantastic success.
This brings us to his most recent venture. Demonstrating just how expansive his knowledge can be, Stepan Talabira stepped into advertising. A completely unknown industry. Thus bringing us to present day. He successfully manages the huge marketing service “Premium Ads”.
Failing Is Your Friend – Conclusion
“You have to fail and have to fail often. You have to learn all there is from each failure. It’s that simple”. – Stepan
It’s easy to say Stepan Talabira doesn’t know failures when listing his many successes like we have. But the truth is, we only ever see the tip of the iceberg. For each success, there is hundreds of failures.
I personally take away from the quote above that a failure is only really a failure if you don’t learn from it. Stepan Talabira has consistently grown from each failure into the success story he is today.
Another point to take away from Stepan’s story so far is to set NO limitations on yourself and keep striving towards your goals!
Stepan could have stayed with programming and still be very successful but he had bigger plans and you should too!
An inspiring story for anyone who thinks your dreams aren’t possible, they are and Stepan has proved it!.
His determination, passion and work ethic have made every goal reachable.
As for the future, who’s to say what industry Stepan will dominate next. But watch out…it could be yours!
Follow The Journey…
Don’t take my word for it. Feel free to follow Stepan via the links below:
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Company Website (Premium Ads) –