Golden Advice from Self-Taught Millionaire and Ads Expert, Nolan Johnson

nolan johnson

The 21st century treasures countless opportunities. Amongst them, social media, digital marketing and the internet as a whole, open up so many unexpected but profitable doorways. Nolan Johnson, a 28 year old, self-taught Facebook ads mogul and entrepreneur did just that and take a look at where it has taken him. At the ripe age of only 28, Johnson is leading his own multi-million empire in the form of his business, NJX Marketing, an agency built on teaching clients Facebook advertising and running ads. Johnson has also branched into the worlds of Amazon and Walmart Fulfillment in conjunction with the operations of his business. However, Johnson doesn’t just aim to deliver. He takes great pride in having his business run on merits of transparency and the upholding of his values of “putting people before profits,” as he puts it in his own words. It is clear that there is a lot one can afford to learn from Johnson. That is what brings us to learning tips and advice from the man himself.

It is a misconception that just because one dodges the traditional route of attending a college or university, one will be stuck surviving off of minimum wage or juggling between paychecks for the rest of their livelihood. One live proof of that is Nolan Johnson himself. Johnson opted to forgo the university route and instead decided to dive straight into the workforce. After realizing working under an employer wasn’t for him, he cracked down on studying everything he needed to know about Facebook advertising and digital marketing to gain his own financial independence and mobility. After about a year and a half of working as a sole proprietorship, he built his business and brand, NJX Marketing, and has been scaling ever since with multi-million profits.

As seamless as Johnson makes it look, his success was not born overnight. Rather, it was the outcome of trials and errors. Johnson’s first attempt at starting his own sole proprietorship ended up with him dreadfully dragging his feet back to a corporate job after only making $800 a month. Johnson’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to follow in his footsteps is to be both consistent and patient – both qualities that he learned throughout his process. It can be daunting when plans go awry or when investments are being made that one isn’t immediately seeing benefits to. Johnson reflects upon his own experiences, “in the beginning, you’re doing a lot of work and spending money without seeing immediate results.” But he soundly reminds and reassures, “once things start to take off and your company starts to scale, you start to get paid over and over for the work you’ve already done.”

Another golden piece of advice that Johnson followed himself is the switch between an employee mindset to that of an entrepreneur’s. In other words, instead of thinking of how to make someone else’s dreams come true, switch the thought process to how to attain one’s own dreams. Johnson was able to successfully do this through the guidance of a book he read called “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, which he cited to have been a major turning point for him and still sticks with him in the present day. As Johnson puts it, that switch between the two mindsets is something that in his words, “needs to happen first before you set your goals.”

If it isn’t evident already, Johnson is a figure that didn’t fit the “mold” so to speak. He wasn’t one nor is one to follow the so-called “traditional” routes. And that precisely is part of his secret formula to success. Johnson advises, “think outside the box. Observe the crowd and do the opposite.” Seeing as how it worked out for Johnson in his favor, it seems that sometimes going “rogue” isn’t such a bad idea after all.

There’s more than a couple of gems to collect from observing Johnson’s journey in retrospect. However, the ones that stand out most go along the lines of perseverance, staying positive, having the right mindset, and not being afraid to do things differently from the majority. By instilling these values, one may just be setting themselves up to be the next Nolan Johnson.

To keep up with Nolan Johnson and his journey with NJX marketing, follow his social media handles: Instagram, Facebook, andYouTube.